Liz Chesworth Counsellor MACC Accred. & Registered

What kind of counselling?​
Short or long-ter​m, for 18+yr olds, usually weekly.
I am an integrative therapist, which means I use a variety of different approaches and skills. From these I tailor the counselling to
suit the specific needs and circumstances of each individual. These include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Transactional Analysis, Gestalt therapy, Inner Child therapy and Psychodynamic therapy, which takes account of your childhood experiences
that influence who you are today. I also use creative therapies if you are comfortable with that.
I am always person centred, meaning you, your thoughts and needs are always at the centre.
Previous experience:
- Director of and counsellor for Philippi Guernsey Counselling Service.
- My private practice in Guernsey.
- Background as a qualified nurse in hospital and primary care.
Current work:
- My Monmouth based private practice.
- For the Diocese of Gloucester.
- Online counsellor for those in and outside the UK
- With those in training to be counsellors or similar therapists.
- With those (& their families/carers) with brain tumours and brain injuries through charities Brains Trust & Headway​​
My professional values
I am a Christian, but work with those of any faith or none. You will be treated with empathy, respect, honesty and without judgement.
I work according to the ethics and code of practice of my professional body, the ACC and always exceed the 30 hours requirement of continuing professional development learning each year.
"Vulnerability is not weakness; it is our greatest measure of courage." Brené Brown.
Caring, Confidential Counselling
In person in MONMOUTH UK or online